This That & The Other
Velocity Dance Center
May 2017
“In ()ELP, Alyza DelPan-Monley organizes the space, the audience, and everything else in the theater exactly as she wants them, creating a little nest out of blankets downstage left, stashing a grocery sack full of props on stage right, enlisting part of the audience to hold her tools, and help her adjust her costume. In her world, there doesn’t seem to be a fourth wall (between the performer and the audience) at all – we’re all along for the ride. Her solo is full of whimsical moments, most of them intentional. The work is highly eccentric, her performance skipping from image to image, leaving the audience with a kind of photo album from an alternative world, full of unusual sweetness.”
December 2017
Eddie DeHais and Alyza DelPan-Monley: Proving that small budgets don’t have to preclude wild fits of imagination, director DeHais and choreographer DelPan-Monley livened fringe stages all over, making nightmares menacingly tactile in Annex’s “Scary Mary” and undersea movement elegant and frenetic in dance/performance hybrid “Into the Deeps.” Book-It Repertory Theatre tapped Table Flip, their movement team with Ryan Higgins, to inject new musical “Howl’s Moving Castle” with a touch of magic, and DelPan-Monley physicalized the digital with her choreography for WET’s “Teh Internet is Serious Business.”
-Dusty Somers, Seattle Times
Howl's Moving Castle
Book-it Repertory Theater
December 2017
Building Book-It's Magical Musical 'Howl's Moving Castle'
"they have an incredible collective eye for physical detail. Tiny changes make a huge difference—the angle of a lean, the speed of a head-turn. Suddenly, by giving actors simple movement and airtight timing, they’ve created a stage illusion that a Witch is making the hats in Sophie’s hat shop levitate—and with personality."
Excellence in Choreography or Movement: Teh Internet is Serious Business